Your qigong core-breathing energy coach and trainer
Energy strength points of view in developing and shaping the golf swing to play the game. I would like to talk about “THE POWER OF Core-Breathing 4 Golf™, Mind, Body and Breath” a program that I co-founded that develops the best internal force, based on qigong developed core-breathing force to shape the optimum golf swing form described in Ben Hogan’s book, The Five Lessons, as the foundation to build your golf swing and approach in the game of golf.
This programs founding principles is my specialty that links and blends the mind, body, and breath for enhanced ball striking performance.
The way I have come to see forces that affect all performance is how the mind, body and breath are linked and functioning together to shape the physical force and movement in the golf swing.
With my vast knowledge and developmental abilities in qigong has helped me realize the internal force abilities in movement and with that experience you can reshape your physical body in the movement to have force in the action. It is the core force developed through core-breathing as the driving force in movement that a person refines these natural abilities.
THE POWER OF Core-Breathing 4 Golf™, mind, body, breath is created as a balance between internal core force developed and learned at setup to reshape your force for in the swing execution this is what makes the swing most physical.
If you been playing golf for years and have had many lessons during that time the question is how are lessons enhancing your performance now?
What happens in the beginning is your physical talent enhances your lesson physical development of your golf swings. In golf you need lessons to learn how to move the club and how to use the club in the game. Lessons are very important and finding instructors that have the best ideas of swing form allows your talent to shape your swing.
But talent varies between people so the development of swing varies and has limits in development. Ones talent is directly related to their internal core strength to shape their golf swing. To change and expand one’s level and limit in developing the golf swing performance requires balance in blending internal directional force based on core strength development and used in shaping and driving the swing.
The beauty of THE POWER OF Core-Breathing 4 Golf™ is it is a method to create the internal experience in the swing and game that gives techniques to link the different parts together in a swing. It allows a golfer to have the greatest range of possibility to realize what they can create in there golf swing.
Since my part in developing this program is based on qigong techniques for internal force, it can be directed to enhance existing and aid in shaping to restructure your golf swing physically to create a choice to rebuild a student’s game.
Energy strength points of view in developing and shaping the golf swing to play the game. I would like to talk about “THE POWER OF Core-Breathing 4 Golf™, Mind, Body and Breath” a program that I co-founded that develops the best internal force, based on qigong developed core-breathing force to shape the optimum golf swing form described in Ben Hogan’s book, The Five Lessons, as the foundation to build your golf swing and approach in the game of golf.
This programs founding principles is my specialty that links and blends the mind, body, and breath for enhanced ball striking performance.
The way I have come to see forces that affect all performance is how the mind, body and breath are linked and functioning together to shape the physical force and movement in the golf swing.
With my vast knowledge and developmental abilities in qigong has helped me realize the internal force abilities in movement and with that experience you can reshape your physical body in the movement to have force in the action. It is the core force developed through core-breathing as the driving force in movement that a person refines these natural abilities.
THE POWER OF Core-Breathing 4 Golf™, mind, body, breath is created as a balance between internal core force developed and learned at setup to reshape your force for in the swing execution this is what makes the swing most physical.
If you been playing golf for years and have had many lessons during that time the question is how are lessons enhancing your performance now?
What happens in the beginning is your physical talent enhances your lesson physical development of your golf swings. In golf you need lessons to learn how to move the club and how to use the club in the game. Lessons are very important and finding instructors that have the best ideas of swing form allows your talent to shape your swing.
But talent varies between people so the development of swing varies and has limits in development. Ones talent is directly related to their internal core strength to shape their golf swing. To change and expand one’s level and limit in developing the golf swing performance requires balance in blending internal directional force based on core strength development and used in shaping and driving the swing.
The beauty of THE POWER OF Core-Breathing 4 Golf™ is it is a method to create the internal experience in the swing and game that gives techniques to link the different parts together in a swing. It allows a golfer to have the greatest range of possibility to realize what they can create in there golf swing.
Since my part in developing this program is based on qigong techniques for internal force, it can be directed to enhance existing and aid in shaping to restructure your golf swing physically to create a choice to rebuild a student’s game.