FAQ: What Defines the Core Area of your Torso and how it Functions
In this program, the core area is from the top of your diaphragm (sternum) incorporating all of the muscles to the bottom of your glutes. The function of the core muscles is to produce physical strength and energy for your feet, hands and head.
In our approach the core area is divided into two separate parts:
• Upper: extending from just above the belly button to the top of your diaphragm, the upper core affects the spine, shoulders, hands, and head.
• Lower: extending from the belly button to the bottom of your glutes, the lower core is involved in transferring energy and strength from the hip flexors down to your feet.
Both areas have to be linked and coordinated through core-developed breathing to develop physical strength in the lower core first then activating your upper core strength. Once these two areas are mindfully linked it gives you the ability to utilize your whole body in shaping the force of your swing.
There is a trigger point area just below your belly button that activates your core, for the level of force in your core is directly related to this level of tension at this point. To bring this trigger point into focus you have to consciously engage this area with your core-developed breath.
By understanding how you create core-strength, amplifies all of our instructional programs to include D.I.G.F.A., D.D.A, and GRIP.
This approach of utilizing your core is based on an internal energy point of view from Qi-gong principles and energy laws that encompass your mind, body, and breath.